How to Prolong the Life of Your Sand Filter System

Posted on: 26 October 2017

 As a homeowner, you can take several measures to ensure that sand filter systems on your property last for a long time. Below are some useful steps that can assist you:

Maintain your lawn

Mowing your lawn does more than keep your property attractive. A mowed lawn can prolong the useful life of your sand filter system. This is because the grass absorbs the moisture that is discharged by the septic system. Mowing the lawn allows evaporation to take place more efficiently during the hotter months of the year. In this way, the rate at which the soil can absorb more water from the sand filter system will be enhanced.

Keep vents clear

The sand filter system has several vents spread out throughout its length. The plumbing system in your home also has vents. Always ensure that all those vents are clear so that they can function properly. Functioning vents allow oxygen to enter the sand filter system so that the bacteria that break down the wastes can thrive. The gases generated by bacterial activity can also escape from the system so that water can move through without any impediments.

Redirect surface runoff

Water from the roof should never be directed into the sand filter system. Any surface runoff on your property needs to be directed away from the septic system. This precaution will ensure that the sand filter system is not overwhelmed by large volumes of water within a short time. Excessive amounts of water can reduce the absorption capacity of the filter system.

Keep grease out

Grease from your kitchen can clog the filter media within a short time. This is because it acts as an adhesive that binds sand particles tightly together. It will then become impossible for the system to process the wastes that come from your home. Consequently, the system may back up or flood. Install a grease trap in your kitchen so that you prevent grease from reducing the service life of the sand filter system.

Pump the tank

The septic tank should be pumped periodically, such as once every two years, to get rid of the solids that accumulate within it. Failure to do so can shorten the life of the filter system because wastes will leave the tank before they have been broken down sufficiently. The area around the sand filter system will then become clogged, and the system will fail prematurely.

Considering the stated measures, your actions as a homeowner have a direct impact on the longevity and performance of the sand filter system. As such, you should take the necessary precautions to safeguard your system.
